Good Bye Intern!

We will miss you! Our Intern's last week was this past one and I can honestly say I will miss having her around! It takes a bit to adjust to having a third party at every meeting and/or event...but we adjusted and it was actually nice having an extra pair of hands.

Dana was mostly in charge of Amber's duties/project and she did a really great Amber useful feedback and suggestions to improve on client skills and definitely kept the to-do lists coming! I think Dana will make a great employer one day! It was neat to see her in that role and to act as a mentor of sorts to someone just starting out in the industry...It's is funny to think that we have been doing this long enough to give another person pointers...sometimes it still feels like we are the newbies!

All that to say...Amber you will be missed and if we had the room in our bottom line I think you would make a great asset to our team on a full time basis! As it is though, we are happy to have you as an assistant on our busy weekends and we hope it can turn into more one day!

 She isn't even afraid of heights.....