It is becoming real!


True - dreams don't come true just by chance. However, we are busting our tails over here. Between the business, new brides, current brides, and oh yes - those things called our kiddos - we are busting our butts trying to get these plans moving. There are something that we can do - we can't find a buyer for a house and we can't magically come up with hundreds of thousands of dollars. We can just keep on trucking and keep on working. So that is what we are doing! We are getting our stuff in order to present our plan to the bank. Part of that is knowing an approximate cost for the project. We figured it was time to stop guessing and time to get some real life numbers. 

Which means we met with the architect yesterday! So surreal. We sat down and gave him the plans we are basing it on and then went through what we want it to really be. We had talked so much about it that it felt normal, and second nature to describe our venue.  OUR venue! It is starting, as slowly as it has gone - we are about to get a much more tangible piece of the project. I am beyond excited and we are going to keep on busting our tails until one day we can see our dream come to life. Well - then we will just bust our tails in a different way :)