About Us

We are C and D Events...Wedding Planners, Sisters, and Business Partners.

Six and a half years ago Dana and I (she is the D in C and D) decided to start a wedding planning business. We really wanted to use our Biology and Chemistry degrees and this seemed to be the best way to do it (our parents could not be prouder) . We started out offering our services for free to any bride who would have us just to get our foot in the proverbial wedding planning door. Our business grew from there!

About three years ago we ran across a piece of land that we thought would be PERFECT for a wedding venue. It was 23 secluded acres with a little cabin in one corner, perfectly cleared, and ready for buliding. Dana and her husband put their house on the market and we made an offer! This offer was met with rejection and a refusal to subdivide the property so we could conform to a conventional loan for financing. We walked away...Dana bought another house...the dream had died...

Last year (2011) Dana mentions to me (Courtney by the way) that we should start looking for property again to build a wedding venue. C and D had enough money in the bank to make a down payment, we were steadily doing about 20 - 30 weddings a year, and felt like we were at a good place to begin looking. We hired a realestate agent and began the hunt. We stumbled across an unbelievably affordable but quirky piece of property in the desirable Jordan Lake area and made an offer...with some contingencies....and it was Accepted!

This blog chronicles all of our (mis)adventures in wedding planning, business building, and venue constructing. We are super excited (if you can't tell by the super) and if enthusiasm could build a venue we would be fully operational by now! Along the way we will hilight some of our favorite weddings and business know how (ha) For now though, thanks so much for reading and being a part of our dream  drama!