Slowly but surely..
The venue is slowly but surely chugging away. We are still in the early stages of the plan and it just feels like time can not go by fast enough! I can not wait until we are living on property and getting this beast financed! First off, I can NOT WAIT until we have a deer fence and have sprayed for tics.
In all seriousness, they are everywhere. We need to get the wildlife under control and get rid of these suckers.
We have our first SCORE meeting today and I am nervous/excited. They are going to help us get a business plan together and talk about some logistics of opening a B&B. I hope they have lots of advice and tips for us who seemed to of just lucked into having a business. Don't get me wrong, we were/are intentional on our services, but it took us a long time to actually make money. We were not too savvy on the business part of things. We have figured a good amount of things out, but we are about to tackle a whole new beast. Here's to hoping they have some great advice and help for us two! Happy Humpday!