Liebster Blog Award
The rules of the Award are fairly simple:
The Recipients must:
1.) Thank the giver and link back to his/her blog.
2.) Pass the award on to five more distinguished blogs with 200 or fewer followers.
3.) Copy and paste the above artwork and post about the award on his/her blog.
Here are my Liebster Choices!
1. Lindsays List - This woman is super motivational! I love her fitness tips and her "body after baby" page! She also shares funny stories about being a mom that make me laugh out loud at my computer. I am not sure how many followers she has...but I am nominating her anyhow!
2. Fly Through our Window - Another great DIY blog with great family photos and mommy tips!
3. Carolyn Scott Photography Blog - This is a photographer we have worked with in the past...she always posts great artsy pictures that keep us inspired!
4. Live Laugh Love - Great motivational stories with some DIY, Design, and parenting tips
5. Taylored - Great blog with organizational and design tips! Also great inspirational posts about mission trips and reaching out to those less fortunate!