Back in the Saddle!
Happy Monday! Hope you had a nice holiday week! We did over here (obviously) we took a mini, unplanned reprieve from the blog world. In fact, when I asked Dana what the game plan was for this week's blog topics she said "better than last week!" Well we can only improve..things are looking up! So for this morning I want to leave you with an inspirational/motivational quote for the week that I heard over the weekend!
"It's not because things are difficult that we do not dare; It is because we do not dare that things are difficult" Seneca
Love this! Gives me the courage and stamina to continue on our journey...yes it is risky...and there are moments when NOTHING is going according to plan....but we have dared to dream and sometimes that can be trying, but a worse scenario to me is to NOT try...and never know!