Rebecca and Dennis: Cardinal Club

This past November we had the privilege of planning and directing the wedding of Rebecca and Dennis. If you rewind the clock almost a year, we met them one Saturday morning at the Brueggers Bagel and little did we know when we planned the meeting how fitting of a location it was because Dennis (our groom) LOVED breakfast! And no the capitalization is not an exaggeration! One of his requirements for the reception was that some type of egg dish was served. They were the cutest couple and you could tell they were really the best of friends who happened to love each other. They had several shared interests that we tried to incorporate into their Wii video games, board games, and of course breakfast!

They signed up for dancing lessons and this was the "run through" before the ceremony! So cute!

Why do we look so alike here.....

The table "numbers" were characters in video games...this was the Princess Peach table

Lego Harry Potter

Roses around the Chuppa

Loved this! It is the question cubes from Mario as the favors!

Under the Chuppa

Beautiful Picture!

Love the artsy shot!

The Ketuba

You could tell he was so in love with her!

Rose bouquet by yours truly!

Cake by Ambrosia...So yummy!

The Ketuba at the Escort Card Table

Love these foam flowers....It really said them

Board Game Cocktail Hour....these guests were serious about the games!

More Games

Escort Cards with Nintendo Characters

Love them!

Programs explaining some of the Jewish Traditions

Photography: Emory Lane
Dj: Just Music Dj(Love Ross)
Cake: Ambrosia Cakes
Flowers: C and D Events
Venue: The Cardinal Club

***Remember, every comment and/or new follower gets an entry into our give away this week***