The Bradford

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Kids Room - my idea is so much better!

Well, not really. I love Courtney's idea for the kids' room. I honestly feel a bit burnt out on the idea. If you remember this post about tips to sell your house - I gave a little snapshot of my kid's existing rooms. They are pretty detailed and kid specific. My husband looked at me like I was crazy last month as I started thinking of a theme for their room. He responded with a grunt and asking if we could just paint it gray and call it a day. I of course was shocked/offended/flabbergasted at his response! Only paint! Who heard of such a thing?!? My problem is I can't quite reconcile all the ideas in my head. I want to go with an alphabet theme. Ada loves to read and is obsessed with letters. Hopefully Henry will be the same way. I did get one rule from the husband - he is NOT buying a new duvet for Ada - it is too new and was too expensive to just not use. is pink birds in a tree! Here is what I have thought of thus far..

I love this! It is from Etsy and only about 120 unfinished!  

kids room
This is how I want the built in to look - but with a more square  drawer so I can make them look like...

 I want the fronts to look like these blocks. I am undecided whether I want them to be the pictures, the number or the letter...

kid room kid-ideas
Love this idea..

kid room
I also want to add a chalkboard wall - we have one now and Ada loves it! 

kid room
I really love this picture. I am thinking of showcasing some of the letters - like E is for Elephant - but in stead of the word, there is a picture. I am going to A is for Ada and H is for Henry above their beds. 
Tree Bookshelf #tree #bookshelf
Really like this idea!! I am thinking of doing a reading corner where we read for bedtime and naptime. 
Those are my thoughts - not quite completely cohesive..Anyone have any great kid ideas??