As a kid I was the most disorganized person ever! My room was always in a state of disarray and I was constantly in trouble for not having it in tip top shape. Courtney, on the other hand, was pretty neat. I remember we used to get grounded for our room being a mess and when we moved into a bigger house where we each got our own room, Court was more than thrilled to prove that it was me that was messy, not her. As I got older I became obsessed with the idea of being organized. I tried to use agendas and calendars but never got the hang of it. Then I started college and it was like the organization light turned on. I was using a palm pilot to remind me of assignments and important dates. I was hooked. Things really turned up a notch when I got married and had a place of my own. I was at an all time organization high. I had reason to go get cool dividers for the drawers, bins for the ever growing stack of magazines, and fun little tupperware for the bathroom and office. I seriously almost peed my pants when the container store came to Raleigh. I dragged my husband and 6 month old daughter to the grand opening and drooled over all the bins/buckets/baskets. I was in my own personal heaven.
Organization is key to wedding planning. I am the one that keeps the files and receipts. It is all I can do to get a coffee stained receipt/deposit slip from Court. I pretty much have given up on it and have decided that if we get audited I am sending them to her house. Anyways - with all the brides, it is important to keep detailed notes and to do lists or something inevitably falls through the cracks. One of the exciting things about the venue is a new office! We are planning on using one of the studio spaces for an office that is fully equipped with kid paraphernalia and awesome craft table. Here are some things I really like in office organization..
I think this is a great idea for a small space
I love the bench! So cozy!!
I like that filing system! So chic - although I would have them be pull outs
I love the IDEA of open shelving, but I am fairly certain it will stress me out to see the mess
I really like this, but I think we have a more L shape design - we each need our own space!
I do know that we want an all white office - I love the clean and freshness of it. Anyone have any great organization tips/ideas?