The Bradford

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Top 16 in 2016 : Bradford Improvements

Hello Blog world! We are continuing on with our series - Top 16 in 2016 and today I am sharing something super exciting to me and that is Bradford improvements! While I am sure we will never stop improving just like Home Depot, I am particularly excited about the improvements made this winter!

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We paved paradise and put one up! Although paradise is a bit of a stretch...with all the rain we really paved soupy mess and put up a less soupy gravel paring lot! I was really worried about how it would look and losing the green space - but I worried for nothing as it looks amazing and so much more manicured than before!


2. Covered pergola from the house to the ballroom

We have a continual path now from the house to ballroom and back again that will be covered in the event of rain (Which that never happens here) It looks so good!


3. Lights in the parking area

We are in the process of finishing this project up- we have the brick columns erected and are getting ready to put lanterns on top of them to light up our parking area - this is such a stressor for me at each even as it gets so dark out here - I love how pastoral and remote we feel (While still being close to a highway) but all that comes with a lot of darkness and no ambient light! Great for star gazing - bad for parking!


4. Drainage!

I know that doesn't sound exciting but when you move the same mulch 2 - 3 times a week believe me it is! We have a new French drain and culverts all over the place in an effort to divert water where it needs to go!


5. Storage Building!

We are in the process of designing a storage building to replace our existing 10 x 10. We book multiple wedding s a weekend and this is always an issue! We are installing 4 times the amount of storage and to say we are excited is an understatement!

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Those are the top 5 new things this year - we havesmall things we are doing (touch up paint, decking the concourses, new plants (always), and Mulch (how I love/loathe you!) but those are the majors!